Supercharged Kenken Mock Series 5×5 & 6×6 [Expert Level]

AED 60.00

This official Kenken International Championship Mock Exam Series book is designed for those who want that competitive edge. This is the Expert Level book, which means that the Mock Exams in this book are harder.

It is packed with 30 challenging mock exams for Category 4, 5, and 6 students. It is ideal for those who not only wish to build on speed and accuracy but also practice as close to the exam setting as possible.

Solving this book will require the participant to time themselves against a clock. The aim will be to solve all 6 puzzles within 30 minutes. Over the course of the 30 exam papers, the participant should see a downward slope in their time taken to solve exam paper.

All the mock exam papers come with an answer key and a space to fill in the time taken to solve the puzzle so students can check their work and progress. 

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