What does the word KenKen mean?
“Ken” means “Wisdom” or "Cleverness" in Japanese, so KenKen is “Wisdom Squared” or "Cleverness Squared".
Is KenKen educational?
Absolutely! But KenKen is not just about math. It is about the overall development because it imparts skills that your child can utilize not just in everyday life, but beyond the classroom as well. Benefits of KenKen include, but are not limited to:
- Improved critical thinking skills
- Better problem solving abilities
- Enhanced cognitive abilities
- Increased stamina
- Higher self-confidence and perseverance.
It also helps adults and seniors keep their brains sharp and alert. It is a puzzle everyone can enjoy at any time.
Is KenKen approved by any recognized authority?
KenKen is recognized by NCTM (The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics), the world’s largest educational mathematics organization. NCTM recognizes KenKen as a powerful tool to build reasoning skills, problem solving aptitude, perseverance and stamina. Put this answer on the right side of below,
Who invented the KenKen puzzle?
KenKen was developed in 2004 by acclaimed Japanese mathematics instructor Tetsuya Miyamoto. (No, it wasn't developed by two guys named Ken.) His goal was to improve his students’ math and logic skills, and what better tool to use than a puzzle? He designed KenKen to be understandable, fun, and challenging for students of all abilities. Most importantly, he wanted the puzzle to encourage independent thinking, emphasize logic and reasoning, concentration, and perseverance. Ultimately, Mr. Miyamoto’s educational tool became a worldwide sensation for both kids AND adults. KenKen is now offered as a daily feature in over 150 newspapers worldwide (including the New York Times) and is used in the classroom by over 30,000 teachers
What is the KenKen International Championship?
KenKen is the world's fastest growing, most played, and most addictive math and logic puzzle in the world. Syndicated in over 150 newspapers worldwide, with over 1 million puzzle books sold, and used as a teaching tool by over 30,000 teachers, KenKen is truly a worldwide phenomenon. Each year, KenKen UAE organises a championship that brings together some of the best KenKen players throughout the UAE and other countries around the globe to compete for the National Champions Spot, who then represents their country in the International Round at New York, USA.
Why should my child participate in this championship?
The many essential skills acquired through learning and practicing KenKen plus the unique exposure and interaction with other participants from around the globe will encourage students learn, grow and "go an extra mile" in their academic journey as well as their personal development. Plus, it's really, really fun!
My child is already great at math. Why should he join this championship?
KenKen is a brain stimulating puzzle. It will help your child to critically analyze and strategize each move while enhancing your child’s logical thinking and problem solving skills. Competing in this championship is a fun way to test your child's skills against other children of similar ability. Plus, your child will have the unique opportunity to meet other students from across the country and around the world with similar interests and make some new friends. We also have great prizes for the winners!